Thursday, July 29, 2010

MGC Kuala Selangor Meeting

A course for Kuala Selangor Excellent Teacher in making own blog. It's fun and happening. We have our own email (

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Luck

Dearest my form 4 students, especially my 4 Intan. Remember the tips given by your teachers. Hope you do well in your final exam.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


What is love? Love comes in many forms. Love for the family, love for a friend or even love for yourself. Sometimes, it is difficult to show the attachment of love. Why don't you share your feeling by writing a story of about 350 words on ONE of the topics below:

1. Love in the family
2. The magic of love
3. True love
4. Unrequited love

My thoughts

Let's use correct language in whatever we did. The language that we used will reflect our personality.